New Age Spirituality vs. Christian Spirituality

October 30, 2023


All Hallow’s Eve is tomorrow, and as most people know, it began as the Pagan holiday Samhain, but shifted into Christianity sometime between the 7th and 8th centuries.  Catholics made it part of a 3-day celebration, a sort-of kick-off to All Saint’s Day, which takes place on November 1st.

Since Halloween is all about spirit realm, I thought that this would be a good time to briefly discuss the difference between New Age Spirituality and Christian Spirituality, and why Halloween is nothing to be afraid of. 

I have written about this topic on several occasions, either in the form of other condensed blog posts or pieces for my portfolio, but I’m going to go give some scaled-back definitions here.

Here we go.



I consider Spirituality to be awareness of your soul and how you care for it. That typically means that you believe in a Higher Power that you call God or the Universe. It’s an acknowledgement that we are more than skin and bones, and we will one day be freed from these confines to roam among the stars and planets. Again, this is my consideration. Please define it for yourself in your own locus.


New Age Spirituality

There are several practices that are considered New Age such as meditation, yoga, crystals, astrology, tarot, numerology, reiki, and smudging. The list really does go on. Many of these practices are akin to the occult, and are considered divination according to the Christian Bible. Any practices that include fortune-telling are what I consider to qualify as divination. But, the others are simply working with the energy by which we were created.


Christian Spirituality

This is the belief that our bodies were created in His image, and are maneuvered by a soul, that will one day be set free to roam an inherited Kingdom. In my eyes, the only difference between New Age and Christian, is what is used for healing purposes and what is used for prediction purposes. The Christian definition is a bit more rigid.

Spiritual Attachment

Many people are afraid of Halloween because of the spirit realm that mingles with the physical realm that night. It is a time to celebrate and re-connect with the spirits that have been set free. Fear is what attracts dark energies, so be mindful of the vibes you give off.  There are things that you can do to ward off any energies attaching to yours during the night.


Of course, I’m going to suggest you do this. You can connect with the Universe and ask it for a shroud of protection while you’re out. When you’re out and about, envision the shroud and trust that it’s there.

Carry crystals

There are a few crystals that I recommend for these situations. First, a root stone like a garnet or red carnelian; this will help you stand firm against anything you think is trying to attach to you. Second, an obsidian or hematite; these dark stones are excellent for cloaking your energy and making it invisible to energy leeches. Third, a turquoise or an angelite; these are great stones for you to trust your intuition and discern the difference between the light spirits and dark spirits.



So, if you should an encounter a spirit tomorrow night, don’t be afraid - it’s likely just lingering energy from someone that was once here in a physical body. Be cautious, but not so cautious that you forget what Halloween is meant for, and you don’t have any fun.

Have all the fun!







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