Prana Nidra

January 29, 2024 (revised from May 22, 2023)

I've previously  addressed Yoga Nidra, and this week I am briefly discussing Prana Nidra. Prana translates from Sanskrit to "life force" in English. Pranayama translates to "breath control". So, then what does Prana Nidra mean?

What is Prana Nidra

Prana Nidra is a practice similar to Yoga Nidra, in that it involves relaxing into a near state of sleep. In the way that Yoga Nidra focuses on releasing discovered tension from different areas of the physical body, Prana Nidra is the practice of using our breath and energy to heal our brain and nervous system.


Purpose of Prana Nidra

Our brain and nervous system basically run the show, they are responsible for our thoughts and actions. Just like with our physical bodies, they can carry stresses and traumas, which is more detrimental. This can result in diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic headaches, arthritis, diabetes, and many more serious issues. Prana Nidra, which is also an exercise practiced in a deep state of relaxation, is the focus of healing brain and nervous system through our own breathwork and energy.


Steps to practicing Prana Nidra

Find a comfortable location where you can lie flat on your back and not be disturbed. If you choose to lie on your bed, be mindful of not drifting off to sleep. Place a cushion or pillow behind your head and/or knees. It helps if you identify and speak your intention for this exercise.

Begin listening to a Prana Nidra specified guided body scan meditation. It should focus on naming various body parts, which body parts you feel sensations in the current moment, and how to breath through those sensations.

Follow the steps of your guide, and when your session is finished, make notes of what you experienced. If you are new to this practice, try different times of the day and different locations and discover which works best for you. I highly recommend keeping a meditation/ yoga journal for this purpose. 

Seek the greater good and love all.





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