Ten Minute Gratitude Meditation


November 20, 2023 (updated from November 21, 2022)

This is the time of year for us to be thankful, and we all have at least one thing to be thankful for (actually several including food, water, a roof, etc). Sometimes they're not always obvious, because we tend to focus on what we lack. I am sharing with you a gratitude script that I created, to remind you of universal things for us to appreciate. Use it or tweak it to your own perspective.


Oh, Highest Power, I thank you for all my daily gifts

Daybreak and it’s possibilities

Fresh air from the tall trees       

Solid ground beneath my feet

[Sit in stillness for two minutes]

I witness your presence and your guidance

Illuminating my steps towards my purpose

Absent to thine eyes, you are still present

[Sit in stillness for two minutes]


You made the stars in the sky for me

You made the Heavens for me

You made my family for me

 [Sit in stillness for two minutes]


Thank you, Highest Power for all my daily gifts

I admire you

I cherish you

I rejoice in you

 [Sit in stillness for two minutes]

Sit in your gratitude and absorb it. Be grateful for each other!




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